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PVB films (High-tech industrial material)

ChongHong invested nearly RMB30 million for purchasing the most advanced 3 meters layers co-extrusion PVB production line in China. Surface embossing and 3 layers co-extrusion are specially customized for our Company , which will fill the gap of no-surface embossing products in domestic PVB industry and provide high -end PVB products for construction, automotive and various energy-saving industries. At the same time , it provides technical guarantee for improving the quality. Production efficiency and products performance of thermochromic products.

PVB mainly specification

Architecture pvb and Automotive pvb 

Mainly thickness:0.38mm, 0.76mm, 1.14mm, 1.52mm 


Length(mm) range:100-400m

Others customized size can be produced

PVB films (High-tech industrial material)


PVB films (High-tech industrial material)


PVB films (High-tech industrial material)


PVB films (High-tech industrial material)


PVB films (High-tech industrial material)

PVB films (High-tech industrial material)


PVB films (High-tech industrial material)

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