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PE Carbon Spiral Forstærket Pipe produktionslinje


Høj produktivitet Konstant høj output Let at betjene Enestående, ensartet produktkvalitet Omkostningseffektiv og fleksibel produktion Høj automatisering Kompakt og pladsbesparende


This PE Carbon Reinforced Spiral Pipe Extruder Machine is mainly used to produce PE spiral pipes which are largely used as protecting sleeves of optic or electric cable, and they are increasingly used in fields of electricity, telecom, post activities, constructions of express way, port, etc.
These pipes are characterized by high intensity and tenancy, erosion resistance, constant shape and easy transportation and execution, etc. 
They can be processed and bent into long pipes with various radians. Owing to these advantages, they are very popular with clients engaged in many fields. Dedicated single-screw extruder is especially used for producing polyolefin products, and the specialized separating type mix-melting screw possesses features of high-speed extrusion and plasticization, etc.
The pipe die head is designed in standard, and the reasonable flowing path ensures smoothness of the inside and outside walls of the pipe. The way of assembling the die head is designed according to the client's requirement, which saves much room.
Both scientifically designed copper spiral sizing sheath and the powerful inhaling vacuum device contribute to high extrusion of the pipes.
The tank is made of stainless steel, and automatic controller is used to control the liquid level. The peculiar spraying nozzle brings about effective cooling and the motor ensures longitudinal movement and three-dimensional adjustment in terms of the directions of upward, downward, left and right.

Tekniske specifikationer

PE Carbon Spiral Forstærket Pipe produktionslinje


Plastekstrudering er en højvolumen fremstillingsproces, hvor rå plast smeltes og formes til en kontinuerlig profil. Med økonomiens udvikling bliver mere og mere plastik brugt i folks daglige liv. Som følge heraf bruges en stor mængde plastekstruder, plastekstruderingslinje, plastekstruderingsmaskine til at behandle PP, LLDPE, LDPE, HDPE, PVC, ABS osv. i rørekstrudering, profilekstrudering, filamentekstrudering, filmekstrudering, pladeekstrudering og pelletisering.

PE Carbon Spiral Forstærket Pipe produktionslinje

PE Carbon Spiral Forstærket Pipe produktionslinje

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