1. The battery can be replaced within a minute, and the operation is simple and convenient. If equipped with a battery of spare batteries, it can solve the problem of continuous work of multi class system, and do notneed to wait at all.
2. The brake is more safe and reliable. It also solves the problem that the manual brake of the electromagneticbrake can not be dragged manually. If you are out ofpower, you can still use the manual pallet truck.
3. The full load test takes more than 4 hours to fully meet the dailyneeds. It takesonly3 hours to chargemore than95% of the electricity. It solves the trouble that the lead-acid batteries need to wait longertime to charge, increase the saturation of the whole vehicle, and improve the work efficiency.
4. The vehicle is equipped with 48V/650W brushless DCmotor and its corresponding controller, with strongpower and convenient maintenance.
Oinarrizko Parametroa
Potentzia mota |
Erdi-elektrikoa |
Max. Karga (kg) |
1600 |
Karga Zentroa(mm) |
600 |
Wheelbase (mm) |
1200 |
Gurpilen distantzia: FR (Sardexka estandarra / Sardexka estua) (mm) |
525 |
Eragiketaren mota |
Ibilaldi |
FR/RR gurpilaren materiala |
Super poliuretanoa |
Gurpil-kopurua (gurpil gidari/gurpil orekatua/aurreko gurpila) |
1/4 |
Gurpilen Tamaina (mm) |
Φ150x60 |
Errodamendu gurpilaren tamaina (mm) |
Φ80x70 |
Orkak altxatzeko altuera lurretik (mm) |
≤85 |
Sardexkaren distantzia lurretik (gehienez) (mm) |
≥195 |
Sardexkaren distantzia lurretik (Min) (mm) |
35 |
Sardexka-zabalera (kanpoan) (mm) |
685 |
Sardexka luzera (mm) |
1150 |
Sardexka-zabalera (mm) |
160 |
Luzera osoa (mm) |
1605 |
Zabalera osoa (mm) |
685 |
Altuera osoa (mm) |
1130 |
Biraketa-erradio minimoa (mm) |
1460 |
Gutxieneko korridorearen zabalera angelu zuzenaren pilaketa (pallet 1000x1200mm) (mm) |
2170 |
Max. Abiadura (karga osoa / kargarik gabe) (km/h) |
4.0/4.2 |
Kalifikazio gaitasuna (%) |
5/10 |
Konfigurazio Elektrikoa
Gidatzeko motorra (kw) |
DC0.65 |
Bateriaren tentsioa (v) |
48 (Li) |
Bateriaren edukiera (Ah) |
15 |
Brake |
mekanikoa |
Bateriaren pisua (kg) |
5 |
Total Weight(Include Battery)(0 |
140 |