● All parts are made of stainless including hydraulic pump, fork frame, handle, push rod, bearing, pin and bolt, etc..
● For use in meat and other food industry, dairy canning and all areas where corrosive acids and saline solutions are used.
● Rollers/Wheels :Nylon.
● 75 mm(3") lowered fork height available.
Model |
Edukiera |
Min. Fork Height |
Sardexka Tamaina |
Pisu garbia |
Quantities in 20' Container |
Length |
Sardexkaren zabalera orokorra |
Sardexka-zabalera |
2000kg |
85mm |
1150mm |
540mm |
160mm |
75kg |
180pcs |
2000kg |
85mm |
1150mm |
680mm |
160mm |
78kg |
144pcs |
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