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Chonghong Industries Ltd. pankarta

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Steel Wire Armored Transverse Watertight Composite Cable

4-electrical and 4-signal Steel Wire Armored Transverse Watertight Composite Cable Spec.

1. Structure diagram

Steel Wire Armored Transverse Watertight Composite Cable

2. Type: HDXUG - 4×2+2×2×0.22

3. Cable design

1. Argindar kablea
1.1 Conductor: use stranded copper wire  
1.2 Insulation: special high temperature resistant material, heat resistance≥120℃.

2. Seinale-harria
2 sets, characteristic impedance 100Ω±15Ω;

3. Cabling: refer to the figure.

4. Sheath: polyurethane, nominal outer diameter :11.0mm.

5. Reinforced layer: reinforce by stainless steel wire (the outer diameter of 1.2mm and 1.4mm) double-layer reverse stranding.

6. Cable nominal outer diameter: 16.0mm±0.3mm.


• Main applications

This cable is used for power supply and signal transmission of underwater equipment in the ocean.


• Working condition

1. Working ambient temperature: -20℃~+80℃;
2. The minimum allowable bending radius for installation is 10 times of the cable outer diameter;


• Technical performance

Errendimendu elektrikoa

Lan tentsio


Conductor DC resistance (single-wire) (Ω/km)(+20℃)

≤9 (2.0mm2)

≤82 (signal wire)

Insulation resistance (MΩ·km) (DC500V)


Insulation electrical strength between wires (DC 2000 V, 2min)

Matxurarik ez

Characteristic impedance of signal wire Ω



Mechanical, physical and environmental performance


Cable weight: about782g/m


Breaking force: ≥65kN


Safe working load: ≤10kN


Your company provides cable core, and our company provides stainless steel wire and the stranding, the price is,
85 RMB/m
The stainless steel wire is: 316 stainless steel wire

Steel Wire Armored Transverse Watertight Composite Cable


Steel Wire Armored Transverse Watertight Composite Cable
