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7x7x7 / 19x7 99.95% Durable Pure Tungsten Wire Rope for Single Crystal Furnace Accessories

Plak fan komôf : Sina

Merknamme: CHONGHONG

Product Name:Tungsten wire rope



Wire rope purity:≥99.95%

Grade:W1, W2



Color:Silver White

Technology:Cold rolled(Y), Hot rolled(R), Annealing treatment(M)


1.Monocrystalline silicon material production process used in photovoltaic industry, the growth furnace soft shaft lift system.

2.Used in semiconductor industry czochralski method single crystal materials in the production of flexible shaft.

3.For more than 1000 ℃ vacuum or atmosphere to protect the environment, using a fine wire rope linear or nonlinear tension bearing.

Pakket: Carton, houten koffer of as per klant syn easken

If you have any special specification,please call us in time.


Specifications of Tungsten Wire Rope

1)     7 strands (1x7)

The SE type is the basic structure for wire. SE type wire rope strands are used in a wide variety of applications, such as accessories and fishing, etc.

 2)      19 strands (1x19)    

The SG type is a configuration for use in push-pull power transmission. The surface has no irregularities and has a smooth finish because this type has been developed for use as an inner wire.

 3)      133 strands (7x19)    

This is a type that has made the 7×7 configuration more flexible. However, assuming that the width is the same, tensile strength is slightly poorer than the 7×7 configuration.








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