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128mm Stainless Steel Jaw Eye Swivel Snap Shackle


Post tal-Oriġini: iċ-Ċina
Isem tad-Ditta / tal-Manifattur: CHONGHONG
Product name:Jaw Eye Swivel Snap Shackle
Materjal: Stainless Steel
Daqs: 70mm-128mm
Length: Approx 70-133mm
Jaw Inner Width: Approx 10-20mm
Inner Snap Width: Approx 15.5-28mm
Type:European Type
Kulur: Fidda
Usage:Lifting Fittings
Wiċċ: Illustrat Għoli
Feature:Easy to install/use Maximum Corrosion Resistance and Duability
Working Safe Load Limts : Approx 450-950kg, and broken limits is about 4 times of safe limits.
Ippakkjar: Polybag, kartuna jew skont il-ħtiġijiet tal-klijent

Karatteristika tal-Prodott
The Jaw Type Swivel Snap Shackle features a jaw swivel on one end that can be rotated freely 360°. The pin is kept in place by a "key ring" type ring that must be removed before the pin can be removed from the jaw. The other end of the snap shackle has a spring-loaded captive pin for easy connect/disconnect. Made of high quality marine grade type 304/316 stainless steel, these swivels are built for durability and maximum corrosion resistance.
The jaw pin is kept in place by a "key ring" type ring that must be removed before the pin can be removed from the jaw to make it safe and easily installed.
The other end of the snap shackle has a spring-loaded captive pin for easy connect/disconnect.
There are three normal size available: 70mm, 87mm and 128mm.We can make the customized size according to your requirement.

128mm Stainless Steel Jaw Eye Swivel Snap Shackle

128mm Stainless Steel Jaw Eye Swivel Snap Shackle

128mm Stainless Steel Jaw Eye Swivel Snap Shackle128mm Stainless Steel Jaw Eye Swivel Snap Shackle

128mm Stainless Steel Jaw Eye Swivel Snap Shackle


128mm Stainless Steel Jaw Eye Swivel Snap Shackle


128mm Stainless Steel Jaw Eye Swivel Snap Shackle

128mm Stainless Steel Jaw Eye Swivel Snap Shackle


128mm Stainless Steel Jaw Eye Swivel Snap Shackle
