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Chonghong Industries Ltd Banner

Kategorija tal-prodott

Ħbula u Kejbils tal-Wajer

Ħardwer tal-Armar

Ħabel tal-Wajer Sling

Katina Industrijali

Tagħmir u Aċċessorji għall-Irfigħ

Materjali Industrijali ta 'teknoloġija għolja

Auto Parts & Mutur

Tagħmir Industrijali

Apparat tal-Kura Medika u tal-Fitness Personali

Tagħmir Industrijali

Għodda tal-idejn & Għodod tal-Enerġija

Trucks Ħfief u Trucks Tqal

Partijiet Custom Forging CNC

Batterija Industrijali & Solutoins

Tagħmir tad-Dar u Kummerċjali

Komponenti Fluwidi u Mediċi

Sikurezza fil-beraħ

Apparat tal-Kura Medika u tal-Fitness Personali

Spliced ​​Wire Rope Sling fil galvanizzat jew mhux galvanizzat

1) Item:  Spliced Wire Rope Sling
2) Diameter:  6mm-120mm
3) Safety Factor:   5:1
4) Surface Treatment: Galvanized / Ungalvanized
5) Length of Eye: 180mm-2400mm
6) Construction of Core: Fibre Core / Steel Core


Is-servizzi tagħna
 Supply the best service with you.
1) On line in 24 hours.
2) Offer the ISO9001-2008 certificate.
3) Collect and receive the suggestions of our clients and improve our product.
4) Supply the solutions from our client's question first time.
5) Make the special products according to the requirements from our customers.
